How to Choose A Mortgage Broker Part 1-Warnings

Table of Contents How to Choose a Mortgage Broker Part 1 We have been mortgage brokers for over 14 years in the Edmonton marketplace, we do mortgages now cross Canada! Over the years I have witnessed major screw ups in financing by inexperienced mortgage brokers and bankers. In this article I will outline many reasons you should avoid dealing with bankers...

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17 Types of Real Estate Agents and How to Choose

17 Types of Real Estate Agents And How To Choose One Just like people in the world, there are all different types of real estate agent. In this article I will teach you how to choose one that best fits your personality type. Now that being said, this is a humorous generalization with some indication of truth and there may be...

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9 Secret Canadian Mortgage Renewal Tips

9 Secret Canadian Mortgage Renewal Tips I have been a mortgage broker in Edmonton for over 13 years and I help people with their mortgages cross Canada, and one of my biggest pet peeves is when a person renews their mortgage with their bank without question. The trick that most people don’t know is that, this is when the bank can...

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Renting Vs Buying Property In Edmonton, Which is Better?

Renting Vs Buying Property In Edmonton, Which is Better? Edmonton mortgage broker Many of our customers ask us whether renting property or buying in Edmonton is better investment. Our answer to this frustrating question is sometimes it is better to rent and at other times, buying is better. The main reason for this is that it all depends on what the...

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