17 Types of Real Estate Agents And How To Choose One
Just like people in the world, there are all different types of real estate agent. In this article I will teach you how to choose one that best fits your personality type. Now that being said, this is a humorous generalization with some indication of truth and there may be many other types of agent and personality I am missing out of this.
I am a mortgage broker in Edmonton, Alberta and I have been working in the real estate field for over 15 years. At one point in my career I was a real estate agent! So as you can imagine, I meet a lot of people and realtors. If you ever need help choosing an Edmonton realtor, then please reach out and let me know. I can refer you to the best agent that suits your goals and personality type!
17 Types of Real Estate Agents and How to choose one.
1. The Young Rockstar
The young rockstar is an agent that is out to make a name for themselves. They are aggressive in marketing themselves and this usually results in more sales. Some people buy into the popularity contest and this is where these agents shine. They usually are into status more than anything and sell a lot of product because of their aggressive need to look like a real estate rockstar!
Who should work with these agents?
The type of person that work with these agents are usually people that do not know any other realtors. They meet them through a flyer or on social media and reach out, thinking that this is the ultimate person to work with.
2. Aggressive older lady
OOhh these ladies have been in real estate for 30 years and they will remind you of that every step of the way. The aggressive older lady realtor has seen it all. She is commanding and demanding at the same time from her clients and in negotiation. She will usually grind a negotiation getting her clients the lowest price, down to the penny. In negotiation you have no choice but to agree with this type of realtor, because she has a way of making you feel stupid. These realtor tend to have the expensive purse and the fancy car. They always have their hair and nails done and they may wear animal print clothing!

Types of people that work with the aggressive older lady realtor:
Long term clients that have had a good experience in the past by getting a great deal. Referrals from those people that are referring the agent calling her very aggressive or “the best”.
3. Asian persuasion
The asian realtor are usually pretty quiet, but they always have high sales volume. They focus on their communities and negotiate very aggressively. They want to get deals done, but will try to get a big discount for their clients. Some asian realtors also step out of their communities and are a blend of rockstar and asian all in one making them some of the best agents around! ( I am jokingly generalizing, Please do not take offence. Some of my best friends are asian and I love all people!)

Types of people that work with the Asian persuasion:
Usually people from their cultural communities. There is a huge amount of business when an agent niches down to a specific area or community. They can become a master seller in that community. If they are blend agents, they will work with all types of people.
4. The Hot Chick
The hot chick is newer to the real estate industry, she takes fancy photos and people assume she is doing really well because of her social media marketing. The hot chick usually does a very good job for her clients and has something to prove to the industry. She speaks and acts very professionally to help offset the people trying to flirt with her. The hot chick usually has a great mix of clients because they get a lot of referrals.

Types of people that work with the hot chick realtor:
Young men, and old men of course lol. Competitive women, seniors and more. Basically any type of person will deal with the hot chick realtor, because they are usually very professional!
5. Your best friend
Everyone has a friend that is a realtor……This is one area buyers have to be careful. It is a trap. If you list with your best friend realtor just because they are your best friend, you may not get the service you are expecting. Best friends can take you for granted and may not prioritize you or your property. Before you hire your best friend realtor make sure you are very clear about the expectation or you may loose a good friend.
6. The persistent agent
The persistent agent is not great at selling, nor are they good at marketing. The one thing they are great at is not giving up and pushing. The persistent agent will work with clients that want to view 100 houses before they buy. They spend a lot of time and effort working with people that may not even be capable of buying. Sometimes they work with a client for a=over a year before they buy. The persistent agent is willing to work long hours and go over and above what is expected for the client. The persistent agent can get burnt out from all of their effort if they are not making sales.
7. The tech savvy agent
The tech savvy agent will have a great website and will get a lot of traffic to the site. They will talk to their clients about how things are sold through technology, even if you have no idea what they are talking about. Some of the vocabulary they use is SEO, wordpress, IDX and more. They assume you know what they mean, but you are in awe that someone could know this much stuff. The tech savvy agent will use proof and logic in negotiation. They are not always the best for getting bargain basement deals. They will however give you a great amount of exposure for your listing.

8. Marketing guru
The marketing guru can come off as a know it all. They have an awesome logo and an emoji in their text messages of themselves. The marketing guru has an ad in home and land magazine and a kick ass website with a huge picture of themselves on the main page. The marketing guru realtor is usually not the best at negotiation, but they are great at creating bidding wars on a property because of the volume of people they get in the door. These agents sometime near away from selling real estate and become real estate coaches.
9. Been around the block agent
This is the agent that sells a lot of product and everyone knows it. There is one of these guys in every real estate office. They are not crazy outwardly flashy and they are usually very humble. The been around the block agent is a very experienced agent that will tell you facts. They sometimes loose listing presentations because they are totally honest with the clients. They rely on their long tenure and professionalism. They will not waste time with idiots and do not need you, you need them. The been around the block agent usually stays in touch with their clients by phone and have a leaner business than most agents. Meaning they spend less money on flash! They have no idea how to use facebook or instagram!
10. New and aggressive
The new and aggressive agent has plans to take over the world. They knew somebody in real estate that they looked up to and are hungry to make money. They will take on any client and will use cheap closing tactics out of sales books. The new aggressive agent does not know anything, but they are trying and will learn as they go. These are the sponges of the industry and will learn good habits or bad habits pretty fast. They sometimes spend more money than they have to on things like looking good and fancy cars. The new aggressive agent has new ideas that can help the industry and others sometimes look at them in envy of their unpadded freshness to the industry.
11. The do what you say agent
This is the only type of agent I would say you should never hire unless you are an absolute control freak. This time of agent just does whatever their clients say. They spend a ton of time with tire kickers that cannot buy. They want to be good at selling, but just never will be. Investor clients will deal with these agents sometime because they will cut their commissions dn lowball all over the place. I am sometime embarrassed by the offers these agents make.
12. Spicy immigrant
The spicy immigrant is the hotsy totsy agent with the strong accent in your office. They are usually really fun to be around and do crazy things. You wonder what they are like outside of real estate and they really treat the job like their life. These people will be lifers in the industry and totally identify themselves as realtors. Most of them are single and will flirt with you jokingly. The spicy immigrant agent is very aggressive in negotiation and very hard working. They take no shit and no prisoners!

13. The Mom
The mom realtor is the totally relatable next door neighbour. She wants to totally understand her clients need and spend a lot of time finding the perfect home for the families they work with. She is a family based realtor and will not relate well with young aggressive entrepreneurs. The mom realtor thinks she relates to everyone but she doesn’t get it sometimes. They can find huge success focusing on families. Because they are moms, they will spend more time finding their clients the right product online as they cannot afford to spend too much time away from their kids. A person that has can trust their agent and is looking to make a fast wise decision should deal with the mom realtor.

14. Part timer
The part timer thinks they know everything. They show up to office meeting to make themselves feel like “a realtor”. These people usually identify themselves as realtor to people to try to get them as clients. They unfortunately do not ask for the business so usually don’t get it. The part timer is generally less knowledgeable than a full time agent and can sometimes screw up deal. Be careful with the part time agent as they may not be in your best interest to work with. Some part time agents are great and slowly working more as they can afford to.
15. Value agent/Discount agent
The value agent or discount agent exists in the domain of people that are trying to get a deal. Everyone likes a deal, but these agents only real benefit is to discount. They usually don’t sell a lot, because in life you get what you pay for. The discount agent has a lot of Indian and Asian clients. They also have a lot of crazy clients with high expectations. The value agent can become very stressed out because they have taken on so many crazy clients. They thought it was a great idea when they first started, but now realize they made a mistake labelling themselves this way. The discount agent generally has poor sales skills and poor marketing, because they just can’t afford the good stuff.
16. Treats it like a business agent
There are agents that treat their sales career as a business. These are some of the best agents to deal with because they are good all around. They are all over social media, they hire marketing companies, have great website and manage their time well. The treats it like a business agent will have clear strategies on how they will sell your property and the timeline to do so. They will not lie to their clients and will be very frank in conversation. The treat it like a business agent usually has an assistant and will sometimes have buyers agents working with them. They set themselves up for long term success.
17. The church realtor
The church realtor gets most of their business from their church circle. They are generally trustworthy and very likeable. They will say thing like “if its gods will”. The church realtor likes to be a part of groups and can help a real estate office out a lot. They are good at crafts and small marketing material. The church realtor will help their clients stage their homes and clean.
There are many more types of realtors out there, and I you will meet all kinds.

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